Herbal Vlog

Ayurveda Health Infographics (India)

Ayurvedic Weight Gain Supplements To Improve Muscle Building Process

Generally weight gain makes a person worried but on the other hand underweight people try various methods to increase weight to improve their physique. When people take fewer calories than the amount their body actually needs, body weight decreases and they appear skinny.
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Ayurvedic Treatment For Insomnia To Cure Sleep Disorders Naturally

Facing difficulty in falling asleep and staying in bed indicate insomnia problem. When the body is active and mind is busy in rush of thoughts, it is difficult to take sound sleep. Acute sleep disorder generally happens in situation when something big is about to happen the next day and no treatment is required for such condition.
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Ayurvedic Supplements For Hypertension To Reduce High BP

High blood pressure is a common condition which generally happens with increasing age. Sometimes this problem does not show symptoms in spite of damage to blood vessels and heart muscles.Blood pressure readings of 140 over 90 for relatively long time indicate hypertension. Uncontrolled high BP increases risk of serious health issues including heart attack and stroke. Some common causes of high blood pressure are:
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Ayurvedic Supplements For Diabetes To Control Blood Sugar Level

Diabetes happens when glucose present in blood is not used by body cells for long time. Habits of a person are greatly responsible for increasing glucose level in blood like eating foods rich in carbohydrates, less physical activities, etc. Changes in hormones and auto immune disorders can also be considered as important factors for causing diabetes. Diabetes is of two types:
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