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Ayurveda Health Infographics (India)

Ayurvedic Supplements For Liver Cleansing To Eliminate Toxins From Body

Liver is an organ which helps in digesting, absorbing and processing food, detoxifying chemicals, metabolizing nutrients and making protein for blood clotting. Bile produced by gall bladder helps in digesting fat.

Lack of exercise, poor diet, high cholesterol, unhealthy weight, genetic disorders, autoimmune diseases, diabetes and heart diseases can increase the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases. Alcoholism, toxins and hepatitis virus can cause heavy damage to liver and may lead to life threatening conditions. When the liver fails to break down, transfer and store fat effectively, fat builds up in the liver cells. This affects normal functions of liver and can lead to liver scarring (cirrhosis). Dysfunction of liver shows symptoms like constant tiredness, nausea after fatty meal, skin disorders (acne, eczema and psoriasis), severe muscle and joint pain, age spots, regular infections, poor digestion, weakness, yellowing of skin and whites of the eyes, constipation, increased frequency of fever, etc.

Ayurvedic Supplements To Improve Liver Health

One can use Livoxil capsules which are the best ayurvedic supplements for liver cleansing. These supplements provide vital nutrients which support functions of liver. These supplements protect liver cells from autoimmune disorders also. These supplements reduce inflammation in liver and bring back this organ to its original size. Herbal formula of these supplements enhances metabolism in liver and thus prevents deposition of excess fat and iron in this organ. This ayurvedic treatment for liver problems effectively treats jaundice, cirrhosis and dyspepsia also. These effective supplements enhance self-healing ability of liver and thus help to overcome damage in this organ. Synthesis of plasma protein increases which helps in blood clotting properly. This prevents yellowness in skin and eyes. These supplements also improve ability of liver to eliminate toxins from body. Bile production increases which can further ease the digestion of food.

Regular use of these ayurvedic supplements for liver cleansing can clear deposition of particles from liver that form stones and this further reduces chances of gallstones too. Livoxil capsules contain Vaividing, Kasmard, Harad, Punarnava, Bukhar-e-mariyam, Chitrak, Makoy, Bang bhasma, Mandur bhasma, Bhuamla, Pitapada, Himsara, Sarpankha, Baranjasif, Amla, Jhabua, Kutki, Guduchi, Arjun and Kansi. These herbs support metabolism and remove toxins from intestines naturally. Blend of these herbs provides the following benefits:

1. These herbs are potent sources of iron and calcium which help liver to work better.

2. Vitamin C in these herbs flushes out fat from liver and thus keeps away fatty liver problem.

3. These herbs used in ayurvedic supplements for liver cleansing secrete gastric and digestive juices which ease absorption of fat, cholesterol and nutrients in liver.

4. Antioxidants present in these herbs protect cells in liver from free radical attack also. This keeps away interruption in proper functioning of liver.

5. These herbs flush out and neutralize toxins from blood and thus keep liver healthy.

6. Combination of these therapeutic herbs in herbal pills to detox liver protects liver from Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C also.

7. Due to antibacterial property, these herbs protect liver from virus and bacteria attack.

Take these ayurvedic supplements for liver cleansing for 3 to 4 months consistently to get long lasting results. Garlic, grapefruit, beets and carrots, green tea, leafy green vegetables, carrots, avocados, apples and olive oil are some foods which can keep liver healthy naturally.

Author: Mitul Ranawat

Mitul Ranawat is a passionate writer who has written numerous articles on topics concerning ayurvedic remedies for men health and women health. He writes informative articles on health-related issues and the use of natural health supplements.

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