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Ayurveda Health Infographics (India)

Ayurvedic Treatment To Gain Weight And Increase Muscle Mass Safely

There are people who are suffering from obesity and on the other hand there are people who are struggling to put on some weight. Gaining weight is equally difficult as losing weight. Underweight people have skinny appearance which many a times makes them victim of fun.
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Ayurvedic Kidney Detoxification Supplements To Get Rid Of Stones

Kidney is one of the organs that filter blood and flush out toxins and other waste with urine out of the body. Crystals are always present in urine but when one does not go to urinate for long time, these crystal particles bind together in kidneys to form solid material. Excessive amount of oxalate, calcium, sodium, phosphorus and uric acid in blood not only slow down kidney functions but also promote sticking of crystalline particles.
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Ayurvedic Treatment For Insomnia To Get Rid Of Sleep Disorders Safely

Not taking proper sleep not only affects mental health but also lowers down physical stamina. Inadequate sleep affects functions of brain cells. Brain cells recollect memory during sound sleep and therefore lack of sleep can affect memory of a person. Due to daytime dizziness, one feels difficulty in learning and concentrating on a task.
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