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Ayurveda Health Infographics (India)

Ayurvedic Supplements To Reduce Acidity And Treat Digestive Problems

Acidity is a sign of unhealthy state of body which makes it easy for bacteria and yeast to grow easily inside body. To neutralize excess acid, body uses reserve of minerals (like calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium) present inside vital organs. This misbalances functions of other body organs.
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Ayurvedic Appetite Suppressant Supplements To Get Rid Of Excess Weight

Imbalance in calorie intake and energy usage is the main cause of increasing weight. Lack of physical activities reduces the production of energy and this leaves calories unused in body. These calories get accumulated in body in the form of fat. Choice of food also matters as eating junk food increases fat and eating healthy nutrient rich food improves health.
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Ayurvedic Remedies To Remove Kidney Stone Without Surgery

Kidney stones do not form due to any specific cause but there are several factors that raise chances of stone formation in kidney. Kidney stones mainly form due to two reasons. First one is high amount of substances like calcium, oxalate and uric acid that bind together and the second factor is absence of materials that prevent binding of solid particles.
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Ayurvedic Energy Supplements To Overcome Fatigue And Weakness

Lifestyle and diet both play important role in keeping one healthy and fit. Overtime it is seen that physical activities have reduced due to increasing technology that has decreased the need of physical work. Due to this, stamina is lowering down which makes one exhausted even during little physical work and walking to a nearby distance can also cause shortness of breath.
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